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We are military movers approved and trusted by military agencies for the relocation of their personnel, from soldiers to top ranking generals and majors. We are proud to serve bases around the Portland area for all their relocation needs. Military moves must be handled in the most organized and highest-quality manner possible to ensure a smooth and successful transition for the military personnel. Prestige Moving & Storage, Co. excels at coordinating military moves with our dedicated personnel, equipment, fleets and warehouses.

Military Moves with Focus on Excellence

At Prestige, our position as military movers is something we take very seriously. Our personnel, equipment and warehouses undergo regular, random inspections to ensure we are adhering to the highest levels of quality, security and cleanliness. Our storage facilities are military approved, ensuring the goods we store are kept in the safest, cleanest environment possible. Our personnel endure extensive training in the handling of goods and driving of equipment. Our handling equipment and fleets meet the highest quality and security standards to ensure the smooth and secure transport of your goods. Prestige Moving & Storage, Co. maintains our resources to ensure that we are the best military movers with an unfaltering commitment to success.

Military Moves Coordinated by the Experts

We can handle any size and scope military relocation, anywhere in the world. Whether we are relocating an individual across town or an entire family across the world, we execute each military relocation with the same dedication to excellence. Contact us today to learn more, or get started now by filling out our online quote form for a free moving estimate based on your specifications.

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